Monday, 22 August 2016

Korean BBQ Pork

Korean food is one of the cuisines I love. But the quality varies depending on how much you are willing to pay for. The best to do is have it at home.

I made the simplest version of Korean BBQ pork for dinner tonight. You just need a pack of pork belly (五花腩), some salt and Korean marinade (it's just a bottle of sauce which you can find in supermarkets easily). Don't forget to buy some fresh lettuce for wrapping the pork later.

Heat the pan and put the pork belly in. Sizzling in the pan. Add in a bit of salt. When the pork is cooked, it's done. 

Place the lettuce on your palm. Add a bit of the Korean sauce. Wrap it well. Enjoy! Of course, you can make it 'more authentic' by adding some garlic in your wrap. Isn't it easy?

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Avocado sashimi

For afternoon tea, I made avocado milk for my hubby. Simple enough. Half the avocado. Blend it with some milk and honey. Done. But what should I do with the rest of the avocado? I decided to take an adventure.

Yes! I dipped my avocado in wasabi and soy sauce. It tasted like salmon sashimi. The texture was really funny! Haha! Just give it a try. A healthier version of sashimi. Avocados are rich in Vitamin E and folic acid. Wow! Vitamin E!!! Good for skin! But is it cheaper than the real salmon? I doubt. Avocados can be really costly here in Hong Kong.

Caramelised banana with ice cream

I have a sweet tooth. Desserts are really important to me though I don't eat dessert frequently. But sometimes I do crave lovely sweet food as an end note to a perfect meal.

Bananas at the Palace are ripe. The texture is really soft and bit watery. It looks disgusting and I think no one would want it. Ripe banana are for banana cake, but my hubby doesn't really like that. So, I try to make something new.

Caramelised banana is very easy to make. It takes only five minutes. Literally five minutes.

First, heat the pan with some butter. Then, put in the banana chunks. Finally, add a bit of sugar. Without sugar there wouldn't be any caramel.

When it turns brown, it's done.

To make it tastier, I'd suggest you eating the banana with some ice cream!!!! Trust me, when the coldness from ice cream meets the hot banana, the feeling is incredible! Try it out with some vanilla ice cream!! :)

Earl Grey Tea Loaf

I haven't baked any cookies or bread for ages. The bread maker has been living in the cupboard for a year. It's time to take it out and check if it's still alive.

The first trial of the year was earl grey tea loaf because we love earl grey (as well as lady grey!) and the brand we are using now isn't that good. It's a great way to get rid of the tea bags. Yeah!

I used the recipe by Baking Taitai.
But I didn't add in chia seeds. Instead, I added in the tea leaves from a tea bag to make the smell stronger.

The funny thing was that I forgot to put the kneader in the machine. I just realised that after I pressed the start button. Goodness me... Luckily I managed to rescue the bread.

Next time when I make the same loaf, I'd put in a bit less water because the bread was a bit too moisturised for us.

The bread didn't look appetising... There are marks on the loaf because I rested in on a steaming rack. LOL

Thursday, 18 August 2016

I caught a cold

During the term, the last thing I want to do is to call in sick. You'd never know how hateful it is: I need to call the office at 7:40 am, think of lesson plans for all my classes so that the teachers who substitute my lessons know what to do with my class and send emails to the colleagues who would help covering my lessons. After you sick leave, you'll need to cover others' lessons in the future to settle your 'leave account'.

C'mon! I'm sick in bed and wanna catch more sleep. How could I do all these? In order to avoid all the fusses, I would persuade myself to get out of my bed and head to work. So, how to survive the eight hours when you have a blocked yet runny nose, a sore throat plus a headache? That's what I did last time.

First, you need something on your desk. Number 1: fresh fruits! I intentionally went to the supermarket for some fresh fruits. I picked some oranges and gold kiwi fruits. Even the gold ones are more expensive, they contain more Vitamin C. That was what I needed.

Number 2: CalVive C 1000 (or any Vitamin C supplement)

Number 3: Honey (it would be even better if you have cinnamon powder with you!)

So, I tried to increase my vitamin C intake on the first day, I ate an orange, a gold kiwi fruit and drink two cups of CalVive C 1000. From time to time, I drink some honey water to moisturise my poor throat. But you can't drink honey water only. You need to get some warm water as well. Drinking too much honey isn't good. You wouldn't want to have phlegm in your throat.

If you have cinnamon powder with you, you can add half to a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to 2 teaspoons of honey. Mix them well and swallow it slowly. Cinnamon carries anti-bacterial properties. So it helps!

When I suffer from a headache, I'd comb my hair until I feel a bit of 'heat' from my head. This would help ease the pain a bit. But the best type is wooden comb. Or you can just your fingers. Just to stimulate the blood circulation. You can always see people doing it at Chinese massage.

This was how I maintained my survival at work. Of course, the best thing to do is rest more. So I usually leave on time when I'm not feeling well. Catch more sleep. Eat less but more healthily. At night, you can make yourself a cup of turmeric milk. Easy steps.

Add a teaspoon of turmeric powder to a cup of warm milk. Stir well, add some honey. It helps you to recover fast and sleep better too. (I'm not going to explain the benefits of turmeric. But you can google this powerful spice easily!)

I continue the same practice the next day but with less vitamin C intake. After all, you can't take in too much vitamin C. So I reduced the number of CalVive C 1000 I took to one cup only. Then the day after I just relied on fresh fruits, water and sleep.

Turmeric powder and cinnamon are quite powerful. But you can't overdo it. When I find myself too 'hot' (or 熱氣 in Chinese), I wouldn't take the two types. I'd opt for honey water in this case.

Your body tells you what you need. When you crave oranges, your body is actually telling you that you lack vitamin C. So, listen to your body all the time. :)

Gargling with apple cider vinegar

I've tried this natural remedy for few times. It really worked!

What I did was: dilute a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with 250ml water. Then gargle with the liquid for 10 seconds.

Remember to buy organic, raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar. Most importantly you need to get one with the 'Mother'. I've read lots of blogs about natural remedies. Most people use the brand Bragg. I bought my big bottle from the food expo last week. It cost less than $70 for 946ml. You can also get this from Taste supermarkets in Hong Kong at a similar price but smaller size.

There's another brand you can try. This is my first bottle of organic apple cider vinegar. I got it from Taste supermarket as well. (This is not an advert. LOL) See which one you can find if you wanna give it a try. Just make sure you see the three important words: RAW, UNFILTERED & ORGANIC.

It works on me and my hubby. Hope it helps you as well. But do consult your doctor if you are too sick. Every time when I tried out different natural treatments, I read a lot of blogs. Then I'd consider if it would be harmful to be by taking the nature of the ingredients into consideration. Sometimes, I would take the perspective from Chinese medicine. For example, Chinese doctors think that cinnamon is 'hot'. So I wouldn't take cinnamon with honey if I could feel my throat being really hot. But for apple cider vinegar, I think it should be okay when you have a sore throat.

I will share with you how I dealt with my cold last time without any medication.

Milk tea at Macau 澳門奶茶大比拼




左邊的是勝記; 右邊的是強記。
兩間的不同是勝記的茶已經混和奶放在瓦煲裡; 強記的茶已經煲好,放在煲暖壺中,你落order時,老闆才放奶再沖茶入杯中。

我倆一致認為強記的較好飲,比起勝記的較滑; 勝記的茶較濃,有些澀。

不過口味是個人的! 要看你喜歡那種啊!

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Visiting Chibi Maruko Chan at Macau 櫻桃小丸子學園祭澳門站

Bilibala bilibala

小丸子學園祭之前在台灣舉行,我去不到。今次只需過大海,我當然不會放過機會啦! 門票$120﹐幸好我在6月30日前上網訂了票,所以只需$80。

是次學園祭於澳門會展中心舉行,說實話,我完全不知它在哪! 只知道在澳門國際機場對面。天啊! 機場在哪呀?






不想劇透太多,所以不打算放太多小丸子相了。不過如果你像我一樣,喜歡收集不同景點的印章,那你千萬要記得帶你的印章簿呀! 我今次忘了帶,令我很抓狂!!!!! 會場有收集印章本子賣,但有些奇怪,因為印章的圖案本身已印在格仔內。如果你蓋印時不是跟printed 的圖案perfectly matched,那你蓋的印也不太清楚。(我知你不明白的了,去到會場見到你便會明)



小渚下一步會做甚麼呢? (桃子同學,花輪同學係我架!)
